Welcome to Waka TV! Here you can find epic paddling edits, boat reviews, instructional tips, river destination information, and a multitude of other river topics. Have a watch and see what our inspirational Waka Team and Whanau have been up to around the world.
Patagonia Quad Crown
Four of the best Patagonian rivers in one season.
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Source to Sea in Wild Patagonia
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Waka line up review
The Waka boat range by Zack Mutton
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Arctic Whitewater
Aleix Salvat gets in a quick lap whilst working on Aniol’s ice waterfall project.
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Aniol Serrasolses Tutorial Cobra Flip
Some tips for the Cobra flip from the Cobra himself.
- Kayak Tutorials
Phil Palzer and Rata Lovell-Smith – West Coast NZ Kayak legends
- Waka TV
Nouria Newman reviews the Stoke
Want to know more about the Stoke?
- Boat Models
George Snook reviews the Waka STEEZE
Need a Steeze in your life?
- Boat Models
River Mutton – Steeze and Stoke’n
River Mutton Euro kayak trip 2023! Mostly Norway and some Italia
- Waka TV
Norwegian Stouts with Sven Lammler
The one and only Sven Lammler!
- River Destinations
River of Dreams – James Shimizu
The Grand Canyon of the Stikine in the Waka OG.
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- River Destinations
Zack Mutton 2022
- Waka TV
Starring Benny Marr, Directed by Skip Armstrong assisted by Matt Baker.
- Waka TV
Matthias Weger reviews the Waka GANGSTA
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Stoke on the Brandseth
Zack Mutton takes the Stoke out for a Brandseth lap
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- River Destinations
Little White Salmon with Evan Garcia and the STOKE
Evan Garcia taking us down the Little White in the Waka STOKE.
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